04 Oct

(Photo Courtesy of Pinterest.com)


Woodard made history, as she was the first female to join the Harlem Globetrotters. Born in Wichita, Kansas on August 12th, 1959. She drew interest to basketball from her older brother. Practicing in her room with crushed up paper balls, or rolled up socks shooting into a trash can. She also went to the park and participated in pick-up games with older men.


Woodard was a terrific college basketball player, putting up record breaking numbers at Kansas. She scored the most points in NCCAA women's basketball history coming in at 3,649. She also graduated in from Kansas with a bachelor's degree in Speech Communications, and Human Relations. Playing basketball as a woman was still difficult because the general public perceived this is as a mans game. With the future foundation of the WNBA, these females were set out to make a difference, and break these gender barriers.

Image result for lynette woodard(Photo Courtesy of Getty Images)


  • 1981 - Winner of the Honda Sports Award for basketball
    1981 - Wade Trophy
  • 1983 - USA Basketball's Female Athlete of the Year
    2015 - WBCBL Professional Basketball Trailblazer Award


In this time frame, women playing basketball was still not as common as today (2017). Having Woodard be as famous as she is for her college performance, boosted her popularity. With her being well known for the sport of basketball attracted many teams and organizations. Woodard later went on to play for the Harlem Globetrotters. The Globetrotters are known for playing basketball in the way of a circus act. They always come out with the win, and do it in style. However, the Globetrotters are a predominantly male organization. Having Woodard be recruited to this team, turned millions of heads. She made a statement for the female gender to go out and do what they truly want to do in life, and was an inspiration to thousands.

Quotes From Woodard:

"Everyone has a gift; you let it take you as far as it can."
-Lynette Woodard

Quotes About Woodard:

"I've been asked that over and over and I don't know that i've been in the college game long enough to give you the kind of answer you deserve for that question. I've only watched tape of Anne Donovan, Cheryl Miller, and Lynette Woodard. The list of truly greats."

-Sherri Coale (Former Head Coach)

Additional Information:


Women's Basketball Hall of Fame

(Page Written and Researched by Patrick Seavey)

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