Background: Debbie Allen was born in Houston, Texas. Graduated from Howard University with a B.A in Greek Literature, Speech and theater. She is known for her musical-drama series called Fame. She also worked as the series principal choreographer. She currently does work with younger dancers and has also taught choreography to people such as Paula Abdul, and several other people on Broadway productions.
(Photo of Debbie Allen from her dance academy site. Image courtesy of Debbie Allen Dance Academy )
Challenges: Debbie Allen Faced many challenges with racism throughout her life. One was when her family returned to Texas. She auditioned to join the Houston Ballet School when she was 12. It was clear that she was an exceptional dancer but she was still denied entry due to the color of her skin. Another incident was when she was attending North Carolina School of arts when she was 16. She was working to demonstrate dance techniques to students looking at the school. But she was also rejected from that on the account of her "Body not being suited for ballet". This was a common excuse in the dance industry saying that African Americans lacked the specific body type of ballet dancers.
"But out of limitations comes creativity"
Debbie Allan in a dance scene from the Tv musical drama series "Fame". A show about "The stories of the students and faculty of the New York City High School for the Performing Arts. This show ran from 1982-87.
Additional Sources
Debbie Allen's Dance Academy Website
(Page researched and written by Miles Fah.)